Lana stellt sich vor: | |
Alter / Familienstand: | 47 (Steinbock) / ledig |
Kinder: | Keine; Ich kann mir mit dem richtigen Partner (weitere) Kinder vorstellen |
Wohnort: | Minsk, Grossraum Minsk [Karte] (Weissrussland) |
Nationalität: | Weissrussin |
Aussehen: | 175 cm / 55 kg; Augen blau, Haare braun |
Körperschmuck: | Keiner |
"Hello, nice to meet you! :-) I’ve always wanted to live in different countries for a while and for me it’s not a problem to move for a great job or for a great man. Looking for true deep exciting beautiful special relationship, my man I will feel connected and complete with. Somebody different from me but with the same values and needs. I had a lot of freedom and fun in life and now I am ready to build a quality bound with my best friend and best lover. Try to enjoy every day of life as a tasteful candy because this life is very short and dont think there is another one somewhere! Every day is soooo prescious and becomes a treasure when sharing it with the right company! Search for the feeling and spontaneous empathy... I’d like to find a charming and smart real oldfashioned man for a traditional male/female relationship. If you are a open minded and flexible, good mannered, classy and elegant, spontaneous but stable and reliable, smart, protective, attentive, manly, well travelled and educated, ambitious, fun, joyful, adventurous, deep, cultivated, goodhearted, honest, romantic gentlemen with serious intentions to build something stable and beautiful, with great sense of humor, curious about the world with deep strong values - you are my dream man and I would give our love the chance to be happy together! The chemistry and empathy is the beginning of everything so let’s meet real or viseo and feel it how we feel spending time together. My dream is to start a new page of my life with smb special fun sexy who’s charm I can’t resist again and again every day and who will stimulate me on all the levels. Looking for “my favorite person” to build a family and have a baby. I'm full of contradictions and contrasts: strong but very sensitive and fragile, courageous but shy, romantic but proud and I know my value, traditional in man/woman relationship but free and independant, strict and serious but funny and adventurous, deep but joyful, self confident and sincere but reserved, ambitious, appreciating high standards and quality but also enjoying simple things in simple places, old fashioned but fashionable and fancy girl, who is against one night stands and consumption of somebody’s body as an object, who wants and not scared to live a fairytale of being in LOVE and to open my hot heart to a guy who deserves it and won’t misuse or break it! When I am in a relationship I truly am! Fusion and connection, I invest all myself and consider it a miracle to find a person with whom I am better than by myself. I have lived in 5 countries and visited 65, it's been 13 years I have been living in the heart of Paris. I speak 6 languages :-) And my professional activity you can see in my Instagram Lanastyling ? You are welcome if you want to follow me." |
Rauche ich? | |||
Trinke ich Alkohol? | |||
zu Hause | |||||||
Handarbeit | |||||||
Kochen / Backen | |||||||
Hausarbeit |
Extraversion / Geselligkeit: | Gesamt: | |||||||
Ich bin eher zurückhaltend und ruhig. | ||||||||
In Gesellschaft bin ich lustig und lache viel. | ||||||||
Ich mag es auf einer Party im Mittelpunkt zu stehen. | ||||||||
Ich bin auch sehr gerne allein. | ||||||||
Emotionale Stabilität / Gelassenheit: | Gesamt: | |||||||
Ich bin sehr sensibel und verletzlich. | ||||||||
Ich bin manchmal launisch. | ||||||||
Meine Freunde sagen, dass ich eine selbstbewusste Frau bin. | ||||||||
Ich bin so schnell durch nichts aus der Fassung zu bringen. | ||||||||
Gewissenhaftigkeit / Selbstkontrolle: | Gesamt: | |||||||
Ich bin ein eher chaotischer Mensch. | ||||||||
Am liebsten lebe ich in den Tag hinein und plane nichts. | ||||||||
Ich bin zielstrebig und gebe nicht so schnell auf, wenn ich mir etwas vorgenommen habe. | ||||||||
Ich bin ein sehr ordentlicher Mensch. | ||||||||
Gutmütigkeit / Verträglichkeit: | Gesamt: | |||||||
Neuen Menschen gegenüber bin ich zunächst misstrauisch. | ||||||||
Ich bin sehr hilfsbereit und sorge mich um andere Menschen. | ||||||||
Mit manchen Menschen komme ich einfach nicht klar. | ||||||||
Ich glaube an das Gute im Menschen. | ||||||||
Offenheit für Erfahrungen: | Gesamt: | |||||||
Ich bin originell und habe oft neue Ideen. | ||||||||
Neuem gegenüber bin ich eher vorsichtig. | ||||||||
Ich interessiere mich sehr für Kunst, Musik und Kultur. | ||||||||
Traditionen und alte Werte sind mir sehr wichtig. | ||||||||
Was macht meinen Traummann aus? | |
"I want a man who is ambitious, has energy, joy, positivity, who is curious to discover and learn every day: life, the world, himself, who is eager to learn and self development, loves to joke a lot being a serious guy! Who is still able to fall in love and be romantic"
Mein Idealmann: | |
Alter: | 38-52 Jahre |
Grösse: | 180-200 cm |
Eigenschaften: | humorvoll, spontan, nicht geizig, rücksichtsvoll, gesichertes Einkommen, zuverlässig |
Darf mein Partner Kinder haben? | Ja, aber nur Kinder, die die meiste Zeit bei der Mutter wohnen |
Religion meines Partners: | christlich |
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